The Danes have a word – Arbejdsglæde (“argh-bites-glurrr”) – which translates approximately as work...
Each year our staff members take part in a vote to decide who will become our chosen Charity of the...
Why prevention is much more effective than the cure when it comes to Cyber Security Data breaches...
“Neil, why is the CEO of Concorde onsite?” The client asked me with a smile. I could tell he...
One of the things I enjoy most about my job and role at Concorde is how every week if not every day...
I arrived on day two at the AWS Summit in London to a mass of people queuing up for Registration....
Although this was my first time attending an AWS event, it is one I have been looking forward to...
You may have seen in the press that a vulnerability has been identified in the WPA2 Wireless...
Every day businesses are changing the way they deliver applications to their users. Applications...